
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Numbers is unavailable, but you can change that!

For over one hundred years, the International Critical Commentary series has held a special place among works on the Bible. It has sought to bring together all the relevant aids to exegesis—linguistic and textual no less than archaeological, historical, literary and theological—with a level of comprehension and quality of scholarship unmatched by any other series. No attempt has been made to...

reproach; it is he who counsels the employment of the Moabite women to seduce the Hebrews (cp. 2 Pet. 2:13–15, Rev. 2:14), and he who fills up what was felt to be lacking in the earlier story by recording that Balaam died in battle in the war of Israel against Midian (31:8, 16, Jos. 13:22). The earliest writers in which the charge of avarice is explicitly made appear to be Philo (De Vit. Mos. i. 48 (Mangey, 123)) and 2 Pet. 2:15f. (cp. Jude 11). It is less vigorously charged against Balaam by Josephus
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